PollEverywhere Audience Response System (Clickers) for Instructors (FAQ)

PollEverywhere is an audience response system. It allows users to request participant feedback during interactions and enables participants to respond by using mobile devices and web browsers computers. Drake has a limited license to support campus in using PollEverywehere.

Can I integrate directly into Blackboard?

Yes, with the campus license it is possible to set up a connection via a direct integration with our LMS, Blackboard. The following link provides the steps necessary for making the connection. LTI Advantage Blackboard Ultra usage guide for educators. Please be aware that in order for the connection to be made, it is necessary to follow the order of the directions for each of your classes.

What are the advantages of integrating with your course?

  • You can sync activity or grades of your polls with gradebook columns.
  • The process will automatically create PollEverywhere accounts for students which do not have them and will tie to existing student accounts created with "drake.edu" email addresses.
  • If the PollEverywhere accounts exist under our university license, ITS can help support and troubleshoot issues.
  • The connection provides a filter for only the polls you have associated with your Blackboard course on the PollEverywhere side.


How do I get support for PollEverywhere?

If you have a PollEverywhere account using your Drake email address, ITS can help support you. Both the free version and the Instructor [pays] version are not able to be supported by ITS because our university administration account will only be aware of accounts associated with our license.

If you would like self paced individual instruction, PollEverywhere offers ongoing webinars on a continual basis. We encourage you to utilize these offerings for more detailed help with using the platform. https://training.polleverywhere.com/path/poll-everywhere-for-educators

How can I be added for support?

Please submit a Custom Technology Consultation/Training for any support questions.

Where can I find more information?

For information, please refer to the appropriate user guides.

If you have any further questions, please schedule a Custom Technology Consultation/Training.

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Article ID: 63097
Wed 9/26/18 2:20 PM
Tue 1/30/24 11:34 AM