Reporting Time or Leave in Self Service (How-to)


NOTE: While the deadlines and payroll processes differ for hourly (bi-weekly) employees and salaried (monthly) employees, the process for reporting time and leave reports are similar. The examples below show the screens used for reporting time for hourly employees, followed by instructions for salaried employees.

For all Employees:

1. myDrake and Multi-Factor Authentication

  1. From myDrake, in the Human Resources section, click on the Employee Dashboard link. For instructions on accessing myDrake, see Using myDrake for Faculty & Staff (How-to).

NOTE: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required to view or change employee information. For assistance, see the MFA guides in the IT service portal.

2. Self Service Employee Dashboard/My Activities section

  1. On the Employee Dashboard screen, go to the lower right corner to the My Activities section. You'll see one of two options, Enter Time (hourly employees) or Enter Leave Report (salaried employees).

NOTE: The instructions split at this point, so follow the instructions appropriate for you.

For Hourly Employees (Time Reporting):

1. Self Service Employee Dashboard/My Activities Section

  1. Once you're on the Employee Dashboard screen, click the blue Enter Time button in the My Activities section.
  2. Click Start Timesheet.

Employee Dashboard Griff II Start Timesheet button

Start Timesheet screen

2. Timesheet Entry

  1. Select the Day on the calendar where you need to enter time.
  2. Designate the Earn Code. NOTE: Regular Hours Worked will be the most frequently used option unless taking vacation, sick time, or other leave.
  3. Click on the Clock Icon to enter your Start Time and End Time for each part of your shift including the AM/PM indicator. You'll need to click Set at the end of each part of the time entry. NOTE: If you want to type in your time rather than using the clock icon to select, you'll need to enter it in the following format: 08:00 AM (you MUST include two digits for the hour, the colon, the space between the minutes and the AM or PM indicator, and both letters of either am or pm).
  4. Select Add More Time to add additional segments for that day's Earn Code.
  5. Once you've finished entering your time for the each Earn Code, be sure to click Save.

Bi weekly time entry video

NOTE: Video will play three times in a loop. Refresh page to re-watch after loop finishes.

3. Preview and Submit

  1. Once you've entered all your work times, click Preview (Click to Submit) to see a preview of your timesheet so you can review it. NOTE: You must preview your timesheet in order to get to the blue Submit button on the following screen.
  2. Once you've verified your timesheet is accurate on the preview screen, click the blue Submit button. The timesheet will then be routed to your manager for approval.

NOTE: If you encounter issues with completing or submitting your timesheet, please reach out to

Preview Click to Submit button

Submitting Leave Report Screen

4. Making Changes/Corrections and Copying Information

  1. If you've entered time on a day and need to make changes, go to the Day and then click on one of the icons pictured to make a change.
    1. Pencil for editing
    2. Document stack for copying
    3. Minus sign for deleting
  2. Be sure to Save once you've completed your changes.
  3. Need to clear out your entire timesheet and start over? Click Restart Time.
  4. If you click on the wrong day or change your mind, click Cancel.
  5. If you click the pencil Copy icon, you'll see a Calendar where you can choose which days you want to copy, and whether you want to include weekends or not.
  6. Be sure to Save once you've finished copying.

Hourly change/corrections screen

Calendar screen for hourly copying

For Salaried Employees (Leave Reporting):

Self Service Employee Dashboard/My Activities Section

  1. Once you're on the Employee Dashboard screen, click the blue Enter Leave Report button in the My Activities section.
  2. Select the Leave Period, then click the Start Leave Report button.

Enter Leave Report button on Employee Dashboard

Start Leave Report

2. Leave Reporting

  1. Click on the Day of the month that you wish to record. 
  2. Click Select Earn Code and select from the drop down the type of leave taken: Vacation, Sick, Personal, etc.
  3. Enter the number of hours to record on that day. NOTE: If your day has multiple Earn Codes (example: You take a half day vacation and a half day community service leave), you'll need to select + Add Earn Code get to the options to indicate the additional type for the portion of your workday.
  4. Once you've finished entering leave, be sure to click Save.

GIF showing how to enter leave

NOTE: Video will play three times in a loop. Refresh page to re-watch after loop finishes.

3. Preview and Submit

  1. Once you've recorded all your leave for the month (or if you want to review mid-month), click Preview (Click to Submit) in the lower right corner of the screen to see a preview of your leave report. NOTE: You MUST preview your leave report in order to get to the blue Submit button on the following screen.
  2. Once you've verified your leave report is accurate on the preview screen, click the blue Submit button. Your leave report will then be routed to your manager for approval. NOTE: Your leave balances will not be updated until after your manager has approved them.

NOTE: If you encounter issues with completing or submitting your leave report, please reach out to

Preview (Click to Submit)

Submit Screen

4. Making Changes/Corrections and Copying Information

  1. If you've entered leave on a day and need to make changes, go to the Day and then click on one of the icons pictured to make a change.
    1. Pencil for editing
    2. Document stack for copying
    3. Minus sign for deleting
  2. Be sure to Save once you've completed your changes.
  3. If you click on the wrong day or change your mind, click Cancel.
  4. If you click the Copy icon, you'll see a Calendar where you can choose which days you want to copy, and whether you want to include weekends or not.
  5. Be sure to Save once you've finished copying.

Steps 1-3 for changing Leave

Copying Leave Steps 4 and 5



Article ID: 134345
Thu 7/22/21 11:25 AM
Wed 12/4/24 6:33 PM

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