Generating a Student’s Degree Audit (How-to)


Go to myDrake and log in using your Drake email address and password. For more information, see Signing in to Microsoft-connected systems (How-To).

  1. Click on the Self Service link in the Commonly Used Apps section.
  2. Access the student’s Profile screen.
  3. On the left-hand menu, click the Degree Evaluation link.
  4. From the Select Current Term drop-down menu, choose the current term.
  5. Select the Program radio button next to the student’s program of study.
  6. From the Select a Term drop-down menu, choose the current term.
  7. Click Generate New Evaluation. NOTE: The degree audit may take a few seconds to load.

The Self Service links on myDrake are highlighted in this image.

        Student Profile Screen

Remainder of steps for generating a degree audit



Article ID: 140513
Fri 1/7/22 4:58 PM
Thu 12/5/24 11:43 AM