Submitting a Course Enrollment Validation (How-to)


Go to myDrake and log in using your Drake email address and password. For more information, see Signing in to Microsoft-connected systems (How-To).

  1. Click on the Self Service link in the Commonly Used Apps section.
  2. On the Course Management card, click the Enrollment Validation link.
  3. Select the appropriate Term and Course. NOTE: The enrollment validation link is active on the first meeting day of the course and for the following seven (7) days.
  4. All registered students will have the default “Yes” radio button selected. Select “No” for any student not in attendance or who did not make prior arrangements for their absence. NOTE: Cross-listed sections require validation submission for each CRN.
  5. Select Submit to submit for validation. You will be asked for final confirmation before submission; select 'OK' to submit. 
  6. You will see a mesaage acknowledging the submission of your Enrollment Validation, and receive an email confirmation.

Upon receipt of the confirmation email, non-validated students will be manually dropped from the course. Course rosters are typically updated within 1-2 business days of the validation submission. If you have questions, please contact your College/School Dean’s Office or email

The Self Service links on myDrake are highlighted in this image.

Course Management Card

Enrollment Validation Screen

Enrollment Validation Confirmation



Article ID: 140517
Fri 1/7/22 5:07 PM
Thu 12/5/24 11:43 AM