Navigating the Course Schedule and Viewing Course Information (How-to)


Below are instructions for navigating the schedule of classes and viewing specific course information, such as the course day/times, instructor(s), number of seats available, prerequisites, co-requisites, and other registration restrictions.

1. Accessing the Registration Self Service Landing Page

  1. Log into myDrake.
  2. Click Self Service in the Commonly Used Apps section.
  3. On the Registration card, click Registration Self Service

2. Browsing Classes

1. Search by Subject and Course Number

  1. Select Browse Classes.
  2. Select the Term.
  3. Select one or more Subjects to search for all courses within that subject area.
  4. Enter a Course Number to search for all courses with that course number.
  5. Select one Subject and enter a Course number to search for a specific course.
    1. You must enter the course number exactly as it is listed in the catalog (i.e., use "001" not "1").
  6. Click Submit.Select Browse Classes

    Select Term

    Search Subject and/or Course Number

2. Search by Attribute/AOI

  1. Select Browse Classes.
  2. Select the Term.
  3. Select an Attribute
  4. Click Submit.Select Browse Classes

    Select Term

    Search by AOI


3. Advanced Search Options

  1. You can refine your search by course number range, instructor, meetings days, etc. To access these options, click Advanced Search.Advanced Search
    Advanced Search Options


3. Viewing Course Information

  1. After searching for a class, click on the Course Title.
  2. Use the links on the left side to view Class Details, Course Description, Restrictions, Prerequisites, Corequisites, etc.Select class

    ​​​​​​​View Details​​​​​​​



Article ID: 146507
Fri 9/9/22 12:33 PM
Wed 12/4/24 9:01 AM