Making Changes to Your Schedule (How-to)


Below are instructions for how to make changes to your schedule, such as dropping a class or swapping a class. The ability to add or drop courses using the online registration tools is based on the published add/drop deadlines.

1. Accessing the Registration Self Service Landing Page

  1. Log into myDrake.
  2. Click Self Service in the Commonly Used Apps section.
  3. On the Registration card, click Registration Self Service

2. Making Changes to Your Schedule

1. Dropping a course

  1. Select Register for Classes.
  2. Select the Term.
  3. In the Summary box, select Dropped via Web from the pull-down menu next to the appropriate course.
  4. Click Submit.
    1. NOTE: If you are attempting to drop all your classes or the only class on your schedule, you must use the Withdrawal Request Form.Registration Landing Page

      Select Term

      Drop Course


2. Swapping a course (Conditional Add and Drop)

  1. Select Register for Classes.
  2. Select the Term.
  3. Add a course to the Summary box using the Find Classes or Enter CRN tab.
  4. In the Summary box, select Dropped via Web from the pull-down menu next to the appropriate course you would like to drop.
  5. Select the Conditional Add and Drop check box.
  6. Click Submit.Registration Landing Page

    Select Term

    Pick Course to Add

    Conditional Add and Drop




Article ID: 146527
Mon 9/12/22 10:02 AM
Wed 12/4/24 9:01 AM