Requesting Access for a New User (How-to)


Access to Banner Data is strictly monitored and should only be requested if the access is relevant to job responsibilities. NOTE: The requested access will only be granted when the request has been approved by the user's supervisor and a Data Custodian for the Banner module (e.g., Registrar for student information or Finance for accounting/budgeting functions).

1. Requesting Access for a New User

1. Identify the User 

  1. Launch the Banner Security Change Request form.
  2. Click User Security.
  3. Choose how to Lookup User.
  4. Enter the Email or Drake ID for the user.
  5. Click LOOKUP.
  6. Confirm the User Name and User Email are correct.
  7. Enter the Supervisor Email Address.
  8. Select New User from the drop down menu under Change Type.
    Identify the User

2. Enter Request Details 

  1. Select a module for initial access from the Select Module drop down.
    1. NOTE: General is automatically added, so you may pick one additional module.
  2. Select either Admin Pages or ODBC from the Access Type drop down.
  3. Enter a business justification and any additional details in the Request Description text field.
  4. Click SUBMIT.
    Request Details

3. Next Steps

Following submission of the request, the supervisor entered in step 1.7 will need to approve the request. The process will then notify the Data Custodians for the module. The Data Custodian will review the request and approve or deny the access. Following an approval, the user will be required to go through basic General Training. The user will receive an email with instructions on how to book time with a trainer from ITS. 

Once General Training is completed and signed off, a ticket will be generated in the ITS Ticketing System, Team Dynamix. This ticket will authorize the creation of the Banner account.

The final step will be training with the individual module trainer.



Article ID: 146907
Fri 9/30/22 12:42 PM
Thu 12/5/24 1:57 PM

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