Adding a Room to a Meeting Invitation (How-to)


This article describes how to create an reservation for Zip spaces that use the room signage displays.

NOTE: The directions below will only work when using the calendar associated with your Drake identity. This will not work if you attempt to add the room via an iCloud or Google calendar.

Adding a Room to a Meeting Invitation

1. Find the room you would like to add to your meeting.

  1. Open your Drake personal calendar.
  2. Select a time and date you would like to reserve the room for.
  3. Add the proposed time to your Drake personal calendar.
  4. In the invitees section in the new calendar entry, start typing the name of your desired location. As an example, Meredith rooms are shown below.
    image of room choices
  5. Once the choices appear, select the appropriate room.
  6. Save the event to your calendar.

2. Verify that the invitation is accepted.

  1. If the room is available at the desired time, the system will automatically accept the invitation. You will be notified within a few seconds.
  2. If the invitation is declined, this indicates that it conflicts with an already scheduled time.

3. Verify the invitation on the room signage display.

  1. Once the invitation is accepted for the room, it will be displayed outside the room on the room display screen.
  2. The room display screen will only display events for the current day.
  3. If you are creating a reservation for the current time, it may take up to 15 minutes for the room display to update.



Article ID: 152434
Wed 9/27/23 4:39 PM
Thu 12/5/24 9:03 AM