This article explains how to use the editor to attach or insert files when signed in to your course in Blackboard Ultra from your computer or mobile device.
Editor Options
When completing an assessment in Blackboard Ultra, you may be asked to attach or insert files in the submission text box using options in the editor. Some of the most common file types include Word documents, PDFs, and images.
This image highlights these commonly used options: link, attachment, image, and insert content (circle+):

Important: Due to file size limitations, do not 'attach' audio or video files. Instead, you will use a content provider, like Panopto or YouTube, to host the video. You will then insert a 'link' or 'insert content' hosted by the provider. For more information, see Sharing Audio and Video Files | Students.
Editor Options
Blackboard Ultra allows you to submit multiple file types. The following image shows some of the options in the Submission box editor for attaching or inserting specific files types.

Share a File from your Mobile Device
For some assignments, you will use your smart phone to take a photo. To get a file from your mobile device so you can attach it to this course, choose from these options:
- Access your course and assessment (i.e., discussion or assignment) from the Blackboard app* on your mobile device and allow it to access to your photos when you attach the file.
- Access your course and assessment using a supported browser from your mobile device and allow it to access your photos when you attach the file.
- Send the photo to an app you can access from your computer (e.g., email or messenger app) and then use your computer to attach the file to your assessment within your course.
* The Blackboard app is available for download from the Apple App Store or through Google Play. Learn more and download the app from your mobile device.
Helpful Tips
This table summarizes your options for sharing files:
This table summarizes your options for sharing files in Blackboard Ultra.
File Type |
'Save as' File Extensions |
Options for Sharing Files from the Editor (choose one) |
Word |
doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx |
Paperclip (insert local files)
Insert content (circle+) (cloud storage)
Images |
gif, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff |
Paperclip (insert local files)
Insert content (circle+) (cloud storage)
Audio |
mp3, au, mp3, ra, wav, wma, wmv |
Insert content (circle+) >> Content Market (shopping cart) >> "Panopto Video Student Submission"
Link (copy/paste 'Link URL' from Panopto or YouTube; use 'Link Text' to name it)
Video |
avi, mp4, mpe, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv |
Insert content (circle+) >> Content Market (shopping cart) >> "Panopto Video Student Submission"
Insert content (circle+) >> "YouTube video"
Link (copy/paste 'Link URL' from Panopto or YouTube; use 'Link Text' to name it)