Technology Project Request

When a new technology idea for a project or enhancement is being pursued, the process for vetting and planning begins with the submission of a technology project request. This allows ITS to become involved early in the process to ensure the selection of solid and supportable technology solutions. Information on how to complete this request is found in the knowledge base article linked to this service.

What to Expect

After you submit your request, the ITS Project Management team will review it for completeness and determine what type of request you have made and what additional documentation, if any, is required.


To submit a technology project request, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Project name
  • Sponsoring department
  • Problem to solve
  • Benefit of the idea
  • Impact on campus
  • Executive sponsor name


Submit Request


Service ID: 21003
Mon 6/26/17 3:46 PM
Fri 2/18/22 10:41 AM