Blackboard Ultra: Gradebook FAQs


Blackboard Ultra Gradebook FAQs


Blackboard Gradebook FAQs

  • Should I use Automatic Zeros?
  • Can I exempt a Grade for a Student(s)?
  • What is a Grading Schema?
  • Can I add an Item to the Gradebook?
  • Can I Create a Total Points Calculation?
  • What is the Overall Grade?
  • Can I Drop a Lowest Score?
  • Can I Reorder Gradebook Items?
  • Can I Add an Attendance grade?

Should I use Automatic Zeros?

Automatic zeros can be turned on if you would like Blackboard to automatically assign a zero for any assignment past due. It will be assigned immediately following the due date/time. (Note: this can cause alarm for some students, especially if you have verbally granted an individual extension.)

IMPORTANT: If you choose not to use automatic zeros, you do need to manually enter a zero for any assignment that has not been submitted. Leaving it null (blank) could result in an inflated grade for the student. Leaving it null removes those points from a student’s total points possible.

In the Gradebook, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner to open the Gradebook settings. About halfway down, there is a checkbox to control automatic zeros.

For more detailed information, view the Navigating Grades Blackboard Help page, under "Assign Automatic Zeros."


Can I exempt a grade for a student?

If you need to exempt a grade, make sure Automatic Zeros are turned off in the Gradebook Settings. Then any score that is left null (blank) will be exempted from the student's final grade.


What is a Grading Schema?

If you use letter grades, Blackboard assigns a letter grade based on a grading schema. You must ensure the grading schema in Blackboard matches the grading scale in your syllabus. If the grading schema does not match the grading scale in your syllabus, it could result in an incorrect grade for the student.

In the Gradebook, click the gear icon located in the upper right corner to open the Gradebook settings. Near the top, you will find the Current Grading Schema. Click the “Letter (+/-)” link to view and/or modify the grading schema.

For more detailed information, view the Grading Schemas Blackboard Help page.


Can I add an Item to the Gradebook?

There are two primary methods to add an item to the Gradebook. First, any time you create an Assessment (assignment or test/quiz) or a Participation Activity (discussion or journal) and make it worth points, a corresponding column will automatically be created in the Gradebook.

Second, to create a manual item from within the Gradebook, hover your mouse between any two existing items. A plus (+) sign will appear. Click the plus (+) sign and choose “Create Item." In the panel that appears, type a name for the new column/assignment. Then make it visible to students, and  assign a due date, points, and a grade category. 

Using the same process, you can also add a Calculated column to your Gradebook.  Click the plus (+) sign and choose "Add Calculation." This will allow you to create a calculation to display grades in more than one format (such as Letter, Percentage, Weights, etc.).

See "Can I create a Total Points Calculation" FAQ below for more information.

For more detailed information, view the Navigating Grades Blackboard Help page, under “Gradable Items List."


Can I Create a Total Points Calculation?

To create a Total Points calculation, go to the Gradebook and click the plus (+) sign to create a new item. From the drop-down menu, choose “Add Calculation.” At the top, name the new item “Total Points.” From the functions list, choose “Total.”  There are checkboxes for every category and each individual assignment. 

By selecting categories, it will include every item associated with that category. If you use categories in your calculation, if/when you create a new gradable item, it will automatically be included in the Total Points calculation.  However, if you do not use categories (but rather selected individual assignments for the Total Points calculation), if/when you create a new gradable item, it will NOT be automatically included in the Total Points calculation.

IMPORTANT: If you add an assignment to your course, it is imperative that you check the Total Points calculation to ensure the new assignment is included in the Total Points calculation. If the new assignment is not included in the Total Points calculation, it will not count towards the final grade.

For more detailed information, view the Calculate Grades Blackboard Help page. Note: This page also contains information on using categories (vs. items) in grade calculations and weighted calculations.


What is the Overall Grade?

Blackboard will ask you to set up the Overall Grade Column. This column is used to display an overall grade to students. This is also the grade column that can be used to transfer midterm and final grades into Banner via Grades Journey. Without an Overall Grade column, students are only able to see scores for individual items and will not see a final calculated grade unless an alternate final grade calculation has been created.

Select the Overall Grade Calculation type you prefer: Points, Weighted, or Advanced. Depending on your choice, you can allocate the weights of categories or individual items in the Gradebook. Blackboard will prompt you if your totals do not equal 100%. 

In the Overall Grade Settings, select "Base calculation on points earned out of total graded points" to display a running total for students throughout the term. Then select whether the overall grade is displayed as a Letter, Percentage, or Points. Make sure that "Show to students" is checked. 

For more detailed information, view the Grade Columns Blackboard Help page, under “Overall Grade."


Can I Drop a Lowest Score?

Yes. There are multiple methods to drop a lowest score. 

The simplest method to drop a lowest score is when using Grade Categories. Go to Gradebook Settings, scroll down to Overall Grade, and click Manage Overall Grade settings. Each Category now has a "(+) Edit calculation rules" option. In the panel that opens, select the Enable feature, and choose Drop Scores. 

If you have a Total Points calculation, you can edit this calculation to drop the lowest score from a set of gradable items. In the Gradebook, click the three dot (…) menu to the right of the Total Points calculation and click “Edit.” Next, and in this order, from the Functions menu on the left, under Operators, click “Subtract (-).” Then, from the Functions menu, click “Min.” Use the drop-down arrow next to Min, to select the items from which you wish to drop the lowest score. This will find the lowest score and subtract it from the Total Points calculation. The total points possible for each student will be adjusted accordingly.

For more information about functions and operators, view the Calculate Grades Blackboard Help page.


Can I Reorder Gradebook Items?

Yes, it is possible to reorder items in the Gradable Items View.

Note: You cannot rearrange in the Grid View.

Locate the item you wish to move. At the far right of that item, hover your cursor to the left of the three dot (...) menu; an up/down arrow will appear. Click and drag the up/down arrow to move the item to the desired location.


Can I Add an Attendance grade? 

Click the (+) sign to add a new item to the Gradebook. Select Add Attendance. Use the Attendance Settings panel to set up the calculation - make sure to choose Points, Percentage, or Letter grading scale to match your other Gradebook items. View the Blackboard Help page on Attendance for more information. 

If you would like further assistance, please submit a ticket request.



Article ID: 143026
Mon 5/2/22 11:42 AM
Tue 7/30/24 3:42 PM