Moving Videos in Panopto Video Library (How-to)


Video content created in Panopto for one course can be re-used in other courses, either the same course offered in a different semester or a different course offered by the same instructor. Moving content keeps the same links so that your Blackboard course will not need to be updated from term to term.

Moving Panopto videos is not part of the Blackboard Course Copy process. Video content must be moved from course to course as needed.

Only the original creators of content have the ability to move content from one location to another. Videos created by another instructor cannot be moved into your course, without explicit permission from the creator of the content and help from ITS. To request a copy of another instructor's Panopto videos, complete the Panopto Video Copy form. Permission from the original instructor for use of their video content must be obtained by the requester.

Moving Videos

Before videos can be moved into to a new Panopto folder, the course folder must first be created. Follow the steps in Configuring Panopto for a Blackboard Learn Course (How-to).

  1. Begin from the Blackboard Course where the videos currently exist. Navigate to the location within your course where the Panopto Video Library exists and click on the folder.
    image of the panopto video library
  2. You should see a list of available videos. It is possible to move one or more videos at a time. Hover over the videos you want to move, and select the check boxes that appear in their thumbnail.
    Image of selsected panopto videos
  3. Once you have selected all of the videos you wish to move, click on the move option from the menu which will appear just above the first video.
    Image of the move selection
  4. A window will appear with the title of the videos you have selected to move.
    image of selected videos to move in panopto
  5. Click on the drop down list under the Move video(s) to heading. Select the destination folder you would like to move the videos to. Note: you will need to expand the Ultra Courses folder to see your available courses. If you do not see the course destination you would like to select, you may not have created the course folder, see Configuring Panopto for a Blackboard Learn Course (How-to) on how to complete this step first. 
    List of available courses
  6. Once you have selected a destination for the videos, you will be shown a preview of the selected videos and where you have chosen to move them to. Complete the process by clicking the Move button. 
    Image of selected videos and destination folder selected
  7. This process can be repeated if you were not able to move all of the desired videos on the first attempt or if you would like to move videos from multiple courses into a new course.







Article ID: 70686
Wed 1/23/19 10:57 AM
Tue 5/28/24 11:57 AM

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