Sharing Audio and Video Files | Students

This article explains how to share audio and video files when signed in to your course in Blackboard Ultra from your computer or mobile device.

Do Not Attach Video and Audio Files

Although Blackboard supports a long list of file types, large files are problematic. Refer to this related Knowledge Base article: About Size Limits in Blackboard Learn Ultra.

Reminder: Due to file size limitations, do not use the paperclip to 'attach' audio or video files. Instead, use a content provider, like Panopto or YouTube, to host the video. Then insert a 'link' to the hosted video or embed the video from the provider. 

Options for Sharing Audio and Video Files

Choose from these options to upload media files for sharing: 

  • Option A: Upload to Panopto >> Insert as a Panopto Video Student Submission (video embed)
  • Option B: Upload to Panopto >> Share as a Link
  • Option C: Upload to YouTube >> Insert YouTube Video

Overview of Options

This table summarizes how to sharing audio and video files after being uploaded to Panopto or YouTube. Detailed instructions are provided below the table. 
File Type File Extensions Options for Sharing Files from the Editor (choose one)
Audio mp3, au, mp3, ra, wav, wma, wmv

Link (copy/paste 'Link URL' from Panopto or YouTube; use 'Link Text' to name it)

Insert Content (circle+) >> Content Marketing (shopping cart) >> "Panopto Video Student Submission"

Video avi, mp4, mpe, mpg, mpeg, mov, wmv

Link (copy/paste 'Link URL' from Panopto or YouTube; use 'Link Text' to name it)

Insert content (circle+) >> Content Marketing (shopping cart) >> "Panopto Video Student Submission"

Insert content (circle+) >> "YouTube video"

Option A: Embed from Panopto

To insert an audio or video recording from Panopto directly into an assignment or discussion, review this Panopto help article on how to submit a video (or audio) assignment in Blackboard Learn Ultra


From the editor of the discussion or assignment:

  1. Click "Insert Content" (circle+ icon).
  2. Click "Content Market" (shopping cart icon).
  3. Click "Panopto Video Student Submission." Note: In Panopto's help article, this is labeled as "Panopto Recordings (Ultra) (Student Submission)"
  4. The Panopto site will open in a new window with three options:
    • Choose a video
    • Upload a video
    • Launch Capture to record a video 

Option B: Upload to Panopto, Share as a Link

Review this article on Panopto Use in Drake Online Courses for technical requirements and instructions on how to access, create, and share your video files using Panopto or other recording apps. These instructions, with exception to the webcam/video recorder settings, apply to audio files, too.

Remember to open the Assignments folder before creating or uploading your audio and video files.

If you have technical issues with Panopto, connect directly with the ITS Support Center at 515-271-3001 or report an issue using their ticketing system.


From the editor of the discussion or assignment:

  1. Click "Link" (link icon).
  2. For the Link URL, paste the hyperlink you copied from Panopto.
  3. For the Link Text, label the recording with meaningful, descriptive text. 

Option C: Embed from YouTube

For how-to instructions on uploading videos to YouTube:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down and click "Help." 
  3. Click "Upload YouTube videos."
  4. If you need more information, use the Search box to find answers.

From the editor of the discussion or assignment:

  1. Click "Insert Content" (circle+ icon).
  2. Click "YouTube video."


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This article explains how to use the editor to attach or insert files when signed in to your course in Blackboard Ultra from your computer or mobile device.

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