Using Zoom | Faculty


This article is a curated list of resources provided by Zoom, as well as other Knowledge Base articles published by Drake about Zoom.

Getting Started with Zoom

Get started with Zoom or become a more expert moderator with these resources:

  • When you click the "Zoom Meeting" link that was added to your Blackboard Ultra course, there is a "Get Training" link that opens the Using the Zoom Learning Center.
  • The Zoom Learning Center includes links to training resources, including how-to video tutorials
  • We recommend watching this specific video for an introductory walk-through of Zoom and how to use Zoom: Basic In-Meeting Navigation. The demo includes:
    • how to adjust microphone, camera, virtual backgrounds, and onscreen layout
    • information on screen sharing, polls, recording, and closed captioning
    • the basics of breakout rooms (@ 2:39 min) and the whiteboard tool (@ 3:22 min)

Advancing your skills can help you foster an engaging virtual session with your students.  

Additional Zoom Resources

Review the About Zoom (FAQ) if you have questions about how to use Zoom, which includes these topics and more:


If you record a Zoom meeting, it saves to the person's computer who started the recording. To share or keep the recording with the course, it must be uploaded to Panopto.

Tips for Breakout Rooms

Access the breakout rooms from the "more" icon located with the other Zoom options.

As the instructor, you can:

  • Assign the day of the session (vs. pre-assigning)
  • Join and leave any of the breakout rooms
  • Broadcast a message to all groups, such as:
    • "You have 5 minutes remaining in your breakout room."
    • "You have 3 minutes remaining."
    • "You have 1 minute left in your breakout room before you automatically move to the main session."
  • Don't forget to click the red "Leave Room" button.

Tips for Whiteboards

As the instructor, you can share a whiteboard, with the option to have students interact with it, too. The whiteboard option is also available from the "more" icon.

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