See below for instructions for managers on how to approve timesheets or leave reports using Self Service.
NOTE: While the deadlines and payroll processes are different, the process for approving time and leave reports are the same. Approve Time is used for BW (bi-weekly) and ST (student) payrolls. Approve Leave Report is used to approve monthly leave report for salaried employees. The example below shows the screens used for approving bi-weekly or student employees.
1. myDrake and Multi-Factor Authentication
- From myDrake, in the Human Resources section, click on the Employee Dashboard link. For instructions on accessing myDrake, see Using myDrake for Faculty & Staff (How-to).
NOTE: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required to view or change employee information. For assistance, see the MFA guides in the IT service portal.
2. Self Service Employee Dashboard/My Activities section
- On the Employee Dashboard screen, go to the lower right corner to the My Activities section. You'll see two options, Approve Time and Approve Leave Report. Approve Time is used for BW (bi-weekly) and ST (student) payrolls. Approve Leave Report is used to approve monthly leave report for salaried employees.

3. Time Entry Approvals
Based on approval access, select the following from the drop down menus:
- Department
- Pay Period NOTE: For Bi-weekly employees, you'll see the code BW, for student employees you'll see ST.
- Status of Time sheet (Not Started, In Progress, Submitted, etc.).
- Or, enter the ID/Name of the employee to search.

3. Time Entry Preview
- To review a timesheet, click Details.
- From the new screen, to continue the approval process, select Preview (Click to Submit).
NOTE: You must preview the timesheet in order to get to the blue Approve button on the following screen.

4. Approving or Returning for Correction(s)
- Upon review, if the timesheet is correct, click the blue Approve button to send the timesheet for payroll processing.
- If there are errors on the timesheet, select Return for Correction and add a comment to explain why you're returning it. This will send the timesheet back to your employee. NOTE: If the deadline for time entry has passed, then Return for Correction can no longer be used. See step 3 for alternate instructions.
- If there are errors, and it is past the deadline for time entry, click Details. This will allow you to adjust the timesheet on your employee's behalf, by selecting the specific day and editing the times entered. NOTE: If you edit the timesheet after the deadline, please include a comment on the timesheet explaining the changes.
- If you have approved the timesheet, but realize there's an error, you can click Return. You will then be able to edit the timesheet, and once correct, Approve to submit.
NOTE: If you encounter issues with approving time or leave, please reach out to