Submitting Grades in Self Service (How-to)

Below are instructions on submitting grades in Self Service including how to submit incomplete grades. See the Registrar's Office website for grade due dates.

1. myDrake/Self Service

Start by going to myDrake and logging in using your Drake email address and password. For more information, see Signing in to Microsoft-connected systems (How-To).

  1. Click on the Self Service link in the Commonly Used Apps section.
  2. On the Course Grading card, click the Grade Submission link. For more information on navigating Self Service, see Navigating Self Service (How-to).
  3. Select Midterm Grades or Final Grades as appropriate.
  4. If you have multiple courses listed, narrow courses by term by entering the Term in the Search Box (i.e., Spring 2022).
  5. Click anywhere in the row of the course to be graded. Scroll down the screen to view your course roster/grading worksheet. If you do not see your course roster, click the blue Course Roster button that appeared at the bottom of your My Courses list.
  6. Use the dropdown menu to enter the appropriate grade.
    NOTE: If you’re entering an incomplete “I” final grade, the screen will prompt you to enter the default grade if the work is not submitted, and the incomplete deadline. Once entered click Save. To return to your grade worksheet, select the Roster link at the top of the grading worksheet.
  7. Once complete, click Save at the bottom of the screen.
    NOTE: Once you enter a grade the Save button will be blue.

The Self Service links on myDrake are highlighted in this image.

Grade Submission link from Experience

Select Midterm or Final grades. Enter term in search box.

Student Roster button

Grades dropdown menu

Incomplete grade entry

Save button

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Fri 1/7/22 12:51 PM
Fri 8/9/24 2:23 PM