Subscribing to a Blackboard Calendar (How To)

It's helpful to subscribe to calendars to keep you up to date with course work. This article describes the steps necessary to subscribe to calendars from Blackboard courses. Learn more about adding your Learn Ultra Calendar to an external calendar.

1. Create the Calendar URL in Blackboard

1. Select Calendar.

  1. From the Blackboad home screen, select the Calendar view.
    image of the calendar option from the Blackboard home screen

2. Select the Calendar settings option.

  1. In the upper right hand portion of the window, select the calendar settings option, represented by a gear icon.
    Image of the calendar settings option

3. Choose the classes you want to subscribe to.

  1. Select the classes you wish to be included in the calendar subscription.
    • If you choose more than one course, all tests and assignments from those courses and their due dates will be included in the subscribed calendar.
    • If you add a class at a later date and wish to include it in the subscribed calendar, simply repeat this process.
      Image of classes to include for the calendar URL

4. Generate the shared URL.

  1. Once you've selected the courses you wish to include, click on the ellipses (...) next to the Calendar Settings title.
  2. Select the Share Calendar option.
    Image of where to generate the shared URL

5. Copy the generated URL.

  1. A new window will appear. Click the Copy button to the right of the displayed URL to copy the link to your computer clipboard.
    • You'll need this URL for the next step in the process.
      Image showing the generated calendar URL

2. Subscribe to a Calendar in Outlook.

1. Log into Outlook Online.

  1. Begin by logging into, then select the My Email tile at the top of the window.
    The My Email link is highlighted on the myDrake home page in this image.

2. Choose your Calendar.

  1. Choose the calendar option from the menu on the left side of the screen.
    Image of calendar icon in the outlook online menu

3. Add Calendar.

  1. Choose the Add calendar option located directly below the month display in the upper left portion of the screen.
    Image of the add calendar option on the calendar page

4. Subscribe to a calendar.

  1. Choose the Subscribe from web option from the left hand menu.
    Image of the subscribe from the web option on outlook calendar

5. Paste the copied Blackboard Calendar URL.

  1. Paste in the copied URL generated from Blackboard.
    • This URL is from step 5 above. If you don't have it copied, please refer to the previous steps.
  2. Name this calendar something identifiable.
    • We recommend naming it based on the current semester.
  3. Choose a color and icon for this calendar if you wish. Once you've chosen your options, click the Import option at the bottom of the window.
    Image of where you paste in the URL to subscribe to an external calendar

6. Verify the subscribed calendar.

  1. Upon importing the subscribed calendar, you'll see it appear in your list of Other calendars in the left hand menu.
    • Note that a subscribed calendar will automatically add any new content added to the Blackboard course(s) you've included.
      image of newly subscribed calendar
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