Blackboard Learn Ultra Roles

Teaching Assistant Type Roles

Grading Access

  • Instructional Designer (ID): Has access equivalent to that of an Instructor, but IDs do not show on the Course Faculty list. This role is usually given to course coordinators to assist adjuncts or future teachers who want to reuse content from a peer. 

  • Facilitator: Has access nearly equivalent to that of an Instructor, but Facilitator appears by their name in the Course Faculty list so they (and the students) know they are not the primary instructor. 

  • Teaching Assistant (TA): Has access nearly equivalent to that of an Instructor but Teaching Assistant appears by their name in the Course Faculty list, which usually implies that they are an advanced student who is either earning credit or pay for their work. 

  • Grader: Has full Gradebook access but has no access to build or remove content. Appears on the Course Faculty list as Grader. 

No Access to Grades

  • Course Builder: Has access to build or remove content but has no access to student grades. 

  • Teaching Assistant - Feedback Only: Has Teaching Assistant like access to view the course but has no grading capabilities. “TA - Feedback Only" can provide feedback, but they do not see student grades and are not able to grade work. 

Multiple Instructor Course Roles


  • Instructor: Has full access to add and remove both content and grades. 

  • Facilitator: Has access nearly equivalent to that of an Instructor, but Facilitator appears by their name in the Course Faculty list so they (and the students) know they are not the primary instructor.

  • Instructional Designer (ID): Has access equivalent to that of an Instructor, but IDs do not show on the Course Faculty list. This role is usually given to course coordinators to assist adjuncts or future teachers who want to reuse content from a peer. 

  • Course Builder: Has access to build or remove content but no access to grades. 

Course Coordination

  • Instructor: Has full access to add and remove both content and grades. 

  • Instructional Designer (ID): Has access equivalent to that of an Instructor, but IDs do not show on the Course Faculty list. This role is usually given to course coordinators to assist adjuncts or future teachers who want to reuse content from a peer. 

  • Course Builder: Has access to build or remove content but no access to grades. 

Faculty Annual Reviews of Course Content

  • Peer Access: Has mostly view-only access. Usually used for Annual Reviews or by colleagues who want to review content of peers but are not planning to teach the course in the future.

Course Roles

Note: The role titles are listed followed by their abbreviation in parenthesis used for bulk enrollment. 

  • Admin Assistant (AA): This is an instructor like access without been shown as the main Instructors. Meant to be used by the Administrative Assistant.
  • Course Builder (B): The Course Builder role has access to most areas of the course without showing.  Has Preview User access. This role is appropriate for an assistant who shouldn't have access to student grades. If the course is unavailable to students, a course builder can still access the course. The course builder can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • Facilitator (BB_FACILITATOR): The Facilitator role has default privileges related to course materials, gradebook, calendar, announcements, discussions, and groups to assist instructors in the progress of a course.
  • Instructional Designer (Bb_ID): This has Instructor like access without being shown as the instructor of record.
  • Coordinator (coordinator): An instructor like access without being shown as the main instructor.
  • Career Services Manager (csm): This is a like student role to get all student notifications and due dates.
  • Curriculum Reviewer (Curriculum_Reviewer): This role can be use by any Curriculum Committee and grants them access to all content in the course with the exception of the Control Panel.
  • Electronic Resource Librarian (ERL):
  • Grader (G): An Instructor or TA  like access.
  • Guest Student (GS): This is a student access account without showing in the course roster.
  • Guest Speaker (GTS): This is a student-like access role without access to the gradebook. 
  • Interpreter (interpreter): This is the same access as Students without access to the gradebook.
  • Librarian Instructor (LIB): This is an instructor-like access without being shown as the primary instructor to students and is meant to be used only for Drake's Librarians.
  • Organization Leader (OL): Leader access with the ability to delete organization enrollments.
  • Instructor (P): Primary Instructor of record or point of contact for the course/organization. Instructors have full access to the course. This role is generally assigned to the person developing, teaching, or facilitating the class. If a course is unavailable to students, users with the Instructor role may still access it. The instructor is included in the course description in the Course Catalog. The instructor role can control tool availability.
  • Peer Access (PA): This role grants access to all course files and has instructor like access without being shown as one of the main instructors to students.
  • Peer Learning Assistant - Chemistry (PLA): Peer Learning Assistants (developed by the Chemistry Department) will have access to add and view content, and will be able to participate in groups as a TA like role.  These users will have very limited access to view grades.
  • Peer Learning Assistant - Biology (PLA_Bio): Peer Learning Assistants (developed by the Biology Department) will have access to view content, and will be able to participate in groups as PLA.  These users will not have access to view grades.
  • Panopto Provisioner (PP): This role has very restricted access to only allow provisioning of Panopto and is to be only used by Panopto Provisioners.
  • Program Director (programdrector): This role has the same privileges as an Instructor without being visible to students as an instructor of record.
  • Student (S): Student is the default course user role. A user with the role of Student submits coursework and participates in discussions. Students can't create or grade course items. Students see private courses in their course lists, but they can't access them.
  • Teaching Assistant (T): Users with the Teaching Assistant role have access to most of the course like Instructors. If the course is unavailable to students, teaching assistants may still access the course. The teaching assistant are included in the Faculty list but isn't included in the course description in the Course Catalog. Teaching assistants can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • TA - Feedback Only (TA-Feedback): TA like access to view the course, but no grading capabilities.  "TA - Feedback Only" can provide feedback but will see no student grades and is not able to grade work.
  • Guest (U): Very limited access to the course content. The Guest role allows prospective students, alumni, and parents to explore Blackboard Learn without making any changes to users, courses, or content. Users with the role of Guest are unauthenticated users. If an administrator has enabled guest access, instructors can make areas within a course accessible to unauthenticated users. Though you can assign the guest role to users in the Ultra Course View, guests can't access courses at this time.

Organization Roles

  • Course Builder (B): The Course Builder role has access to most areas of the course without showing.  Has Preview User access. This role is appropriate for an assistant who shouldn't have access to student grades. If the course is unavailable to students, a course builder can still access the course. The course builder can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • Facilitator (BB_FACILITATOR): The Facilitator role has default privileges related to course materials, gradebook, calendar, announcements, discussions, and groups to assist instructors in the progress of a course.
  • Instructional Designer (Bb_ID): This has Instructor like access without being shown as the instructor of record.
  • Coordinator (coordinator): An instructor like access without being shown as the main instructor.
  • Career Services Manager (CSM): This is a like student role to get all student notifications and due dates.
  • Curriculum Reviewer (Curriculum_Reviewer): This role can be use by any Curriculum Committee and grants them access to all content in the course with the exception of the Control Panel.
  • Grader (G): An Instructor or TA  like access.
  • Guest Student (GS): This is a student access account without showing in the course roster or gradebook.
  • Guest Speaker (GTS): This is a student-like access role.
  • Interpreter (interpreter): This is the same access as Students.
  • Librarian Instructor (LIB): This is an instructor-like access without being shown as the primary instructor to students and is meant to be used only for Drake's Librarians.
  • Organization Leader (OL): Leader access with the ability to delete organization enrollments.
  • Instructor (P): Primary Instructor of record or point of contact for the course/organization.
  • Peer Access (PA): This role grants access to all course files and has instructor like access without being shown as one of the main instructors to students.
  • Panopto Provisioner (PP): This role has very restricted access to only allow provisioning of Panopto and is to be only used by Panopto Provisioners.
  • Program Director (programdrector): This role has the same privileges as an Instructor without being visible to students as an instructor of record.
  • Student (S): Student is the default course user role. A user with the role of Student submits coursework and participates in discussions. Students can't create or grade course items. Students see private courses in their course lists, but they can't access them.
  • Teaching Assistant (T): Users with the Teaching Assistant role have access to most of the course like Instructors. If the course is unavailable to students, teaching assistants may still access the course. The teaching assistant are included in the Faculty list but isn't included in the course description in the Course Catalog. Teaching assistants can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • TA - Feedback Only (TA-Feedback): TA like access to view the course, but no grading capabilities.  "TA - Feedback Only" can provide feedback but will see no student grades and is not able to grade work.
  • Guest (U): Very limited access to the course content. The Guest role allows prospective students, alumni, and parents to explore Blackboard Learn without making any changes to users, courses, or content. Users with the role of Guest are unauthenticated users. If an administrator has enabled guest access, instructors can make areas within a course accessible to unauthenticated users. Though you can assign the guest role to users in the Ultra Course View, guests can't access courses at this time.

System Roles

Very few people get access to system roles.  This has to be labeled as a part of your job description and you must attend training to gain this access. It is just that for 99.9999% of the users their System Role is "None".

  • Administrative Assistant: Admin (ADMINASSIST): Academic Department faculty or staff member who does not design courses, but adds resources or surveys to course content.  No grading access.
  • Ally Integration (BB_ALLY_INTEGRATION): Users with this role have access to the Ally service.
  • Community Administrator (Y): This role manages organizations, discussion boards, and some brands and themes.
  • Course Administrator (C): Users with this role manage courses and enrollments.
  • Course Coordinator and Instructional Designer: Admin (CCID): Academic Department level staff or faculty member that assists in instructional design of courses for which they do not instruct. Very limited Admin Panel access.
  • Dean Administrator (BB_DEAN_ADMIN): Supervisor or overseer of an academic program or department who can see content and student work, but cannot edit grades.
  • Drake Course Administrator (CA): System Admin tab can access to course (control panel/grade center) and user tabs.
  • Electronic Resources Librarian (ERESOURCESLIBRARIAN): This system role allows the Electronic Resources Librarian view only access to course content in order to help troubleshoot when electronic resources need support.
  • Goal Performance Viewer (BB_GOAL_PERF_VIEWER): Intended for academic advisors and coaches, this system role allows users to discover others and view their aggregated goal performance calculations from aligned assessment items in all enabled courses and enrollments.
  • Goals Manager (BB_GOALS_ADMIN): Assign users this role to create and manage Goals (Standards).
  • Guest (U): This is the default role for unauthenticated users. You cannot rename or edit privileges for this role.
  • Instructional Designer (ID): 
  • Learning Environment Administrator (BB_LE_ADMIN): Users with this role can create tabs, tab groups, and modules; as well as, create, import, export, and edit courses and enrollments.
  • None (N): This is the default System role for new users. Users with a System Role of None do not have access to the Administrator Panel.
  • Observer (O): View materials and interactions for the associated students. No Write privilege. You cannot rename this role.
  • Rubric Manager (BB_SYSTEM_RUBRIC_MANAGER): Users with this role can manage System Rubrics.​​​​​​​
  • Support (R): This role manages basic course, organization, and user functions. It is intended for basic help desk support staff.
  • Survey Author (BB_SURVEY_MANAGER): This role provides access to Enterprise Survey Tools.
  • System Administrator (Z): This is the default Blackboard administrator role. This role has access to all privileges. You cannot edit the privileges for this role.
  • System Support (H): Assign users who manage most administrative functions this role. This role is often assigned to junior system administrators.
  • User Administrator (A): This role manages most user-related functions, such as creating, editing, enrolling, and deleting users.
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Mon 10/2/23 8:17 AM
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