WordPress Training Resources

WordPress is a tool used worldwide for creating websites. It can be used to make websites that range from a simple blog to a full-featured website. WordPress allows you to create a website without knowing how to code. The Drake WordPress environment is designed for Drake faculty and staff to create and maintain sites that publish and share research interests or information on special projects. There are a wide variety of WordPress training resources available. We've curated a list below to get you started but there are many other great resources to be found by searching the Internet. 

How WordPress works

Please note that because Drake WordPress sites are set up on a network, you will not be able to perform all administrative tasks. Some can only be done by a network administrator.

Using the WordPress editor

WordPress uses a block-based editor called Gutenberg to format content.

How to Access your site

To log into the back end of any Drake WordPress site that you have access to, simply add /wp-admin after the URL and log in using your Drake ID and password.

Using the Toolbar/Dashboard

All of the things you can do to customize your site are accessible through the Administration screens.

WordPress Themes

New themes can only be added by a network administrator. If you want to discuss adding a new theme, please submit a Faculty WordPress Website Issue.

Posts and Pages

Pages and posts have different purposes in WordPress. Understanding the appropriate use of each is key to creating your site.


Each theme has designated locations and options for menu placement and styling.

Media Library

In order to use images or insert documents into your WordPress site you'll have to add them into the Media Library.

Adding images, audio, and video to your WordPress site

To use certain types of content on your pages or posts, you'll have to use specific block types.

Adding/Removing users

You can add new Drake users to your site, by doing the following:

  • Add the person as a Directory Authenticated user using their nine-digit Drake ID number.
  • Start with the role of subscriber (and skip sending the confirmation email).
  • Once the person has been added as a subscriber, then you can go to the full users list and increase their role. 

If a user no longer needs access to your site, you should remove them as soon as possible.

More information about what roles mean in WordPress can be found at https://wordpress.org/support/article/roles-and-capabilities/

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Report an issue with a faculty WordPress website. (Faculty/Staff only)
Request the creation of a new faculty WordPress website or the addition of new themes or plugins for an existing website. (Faculty/Staff only)

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