Faculty WordPress Website Request

The faculty publishing environment provides faculty members with a WordPress website which can be used to publish and share research interests, or information on special projects. The website owner is responsible for learning to use WordPress and keeping their website up to date. Websites no longer in use may be archived after a period of inactivity; ITS staff will communicate prior to archiving a website. This service is to request a new website, or add plugins or additional themes to an existing website.

What to Expect

An ITS staff member will respond to you within 2 business days.


Before you submit a request, please consider the following questions:

  • Requesting a new website:
    • Why do you want to have a website for your research or special project?
    • Are you willing to commit to maintaining your website and its content?
    • Are you experienced using WordPress?
    • What do you want your website to be called: yoursitename.wp.drake.edu?
  • Updating an existing website:
    • What specific theme or plugin are you requesting?
    • Is it a free theme or plugin?
    • For plugins, what is its function?
Submit Request

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Service ID: 16863
Thu 12/22/16 8:47 AM
Wed 7/13/22 1:33 PM