Authorizing Proxy Access (How-to)


As a student, you can grant access to third parties (typically parents or guardians) to view your academic information or receive communication from Drake. The instructions below show how to set up this proxy access and select what information you want to share with each party. You can authorize any or all of the below options, and can change or remove access at any time.

  • No Access – Campus Communications Only: Provides access to emails sent from Drake, including the parent newsletter
  • Student Profile: Provides access to your Student Profile Page in Self-Service
  • Student Holds: Provides access to information regarding holds on your account
  • Financial Aid Status: Provides access to your financial aid package and information
  • Student Grades: Provides access to a list of your courses with midterm and final grades
  • Academic Transcript: Provides access to the student's unofficial academic transcript
  • Tax Notification 1098T: Provides access to your 1098T form

NOTE: Access to academic information (Self Service) is separate from access to view your account balance or pay your bills (Touchnet). See Setting up an Authorized User in Touchnet (How-to) for instructions on granting financial access to a parent or guardian.

1. myDrake/Proxy Access Set up

Start by going to myDrake and logging in using your Drake email address and password. For more information, see Signing in to Microsoft-connected systems (How-To).

  1. Click the Manage Proxy Access link in the My Drake Profile section.
  2. Click on + Add New.
  3. Enter the required proxy contact information. NOTE: Your proxy will receive a confirmation message and temporary password at the email address you provide. This email address will also be their username for Proxy Access. NOTE: The default stop date for proxy access is one year from today’s date. To extend access, enter an alternate stop date or log in to re-authorize proxy access after access ends.
  4. Select the access options you want to provide your proxy (see list above). NOTE: You can modify or revoke this access at any time through the proxy management system.
  5. Click Submit. Upon submission, your proxy will receive an email with a link to the Proxy Access login page along with a temporary password. Your proxy must then log in and update their password information before they can access the option(s) you authorized.

Proxy Management addition

Entering Proxy Information screen

Selecting authorized functions screen

2. Proxy Management Tips

  1. You can edit or revoke all proxy information, including the stop date, access granted by clicking on the pencil icon under the proxy’s name.
  2. Delete a proxy by clicking on the trash can icon under the proxy’s name.
  3. Once you’re editing your proxy information from the pencil icon, you can review sent communications. Click the mail icon next the message that you would like to resend.
  4. You can also reset your proxy’s password by clicking the Reset Password link.
  5. If your proxy has not yet confirmed their access, their access has not yet begun, or has ended, they will show as inactive.

Editing or deleting proxies

Resetting passwords or resending communications

Inactive Proxy Management example



Article ID: 21408
Thu 12/8/16 1:33 PM
Thu 12/5/24 11:41 AM