Setting Up a Proxy Access Account (How-to)


Students can grant access to third parties (typically parents or guardians) to view their academic information or receive communication from Drake. The instructions below show how you, a parent or guardian who has been granted access, should set up your proxy access account. Once you've confirmed your access following the steps below, you can access your student's academic information from the Proxy Access Dashboard. See the list of options for access that students can provide to parents or guardians below:

  • No Access – Campus Communications Only: Provides access to emails sent from Drake, including the parent newsletter
  • Student Profile: Provides access to the student’s Profile Page in Self-Service
  • Student Holds: Provides access to information regarding account holds
  • Financial Aid Status: Provides access to financial aid package and information
  • Student Grades: Provides access to a course list and midterm and final grades
  • Academic Transcript: Provides access to the student's unofficial academic transcript
  • Tax Notification 1098T: Provides access to the 1098T form

NOTE: If your student has set you up as a proxy and you don't receive your email or need your proxy password reset, please ask your student for assistance.

NOTE: Access to academic information (Self Service) is separate from access to view your student’s account balance or make payments (Touchnet). See Logging into Touchnet as an Authorized Parent/Guardian User (How-to) for more information.

  1. After the student sets you up as a proxy, you will receive an email from with the subject "Drake University: Confirm Proxy Access". If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam or junk mail folder. If needed, your student can prompt the system to resend the confirmation email.
  2. Go to the one-time link in the email and enter your email address.
  3. Enter the Initial Password provided in the email.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password and click Submit.
  6. When you log in the first time, you will be prompted to update your contact information. When you’re done, click Submit.
  7. On the main Proxy Access page, use the drop-down menu to view and select the item(s) you’re authorized to access. NOTE: To return to the Proxy Access home page, click on the Drake logo in the upper left corner of your screen.
  8. If you need to update your contact information and password at any point, click the Proxy Personal Information link. NOTE: Your student can also assist you in resetting your password.

Example Proxy Email

Entering Initial Password Proxy screen

Creating new password screen for Proxy Access

Part one of proxy personal information screen

Part two of proxy information update screen

Selecting and updated proxy screen



Article ID: 68688
Mon 12/10/18 2:41 PM
Wed 12/4/24 4:00 PM