Creating Single or Recurring Zoom Meetings in a Blackboard Course (How-to)

Zoom is one of the video conferencing systems provided by Drake. Zoom provides the ability for faculty to create virtual classroom sessions. 

Zoom Meetings can be recorded locally and uploaded to Panopto for students to access in their courses. Additional Zoom support is also available through a variety of tutorials, webinars, and how-to instructions.

With the adoption of campus Zoom licensing, it is now necessary to create a meeting for each time you would like to meet. These meetings can not exceed 24 hours in length. (Note: If a course is being team taught this is the best method by which all instructors will have access to upcoming meetings. By adding meetings via the LTI, instructors will inherit the roll of alternative host for all meetings even if they were not the original creator. For more information on meeting roles please reference this article. Roles in a Meeting.)

Adding Zoom to your course

  1. To begin, from within your Blackboard course, it is recommended to add the Zoom LTI to your course.
  2. Click on the add content plus sign in the course content section and select Content Market.
    image of the add content option
  3. Scroll down until you see the Zoom Meeting LTI and click the plus sign in the lower right corner.
    Image of the Zoom LTI option
  4. Once added, click on the link to schedule meetings/s.
    image of the Zoom LTI added to a course

Scheduling a New Meeting

Open Zoom Tool Link from the left navigation. Select Schedule a New Meeting.

Set Meeting Parameters

  1. Insert the required information.
  2. If you want to schedule a recurring meeting, select the Recurring box and insert desired schedule of meetings.

Meeting Passcode and Other Settings

  1. Adjust Meeting Option settings here; if you are setting up a recurring meeting these settings will apply to all meetings within this series. Please note that the require a passcode and the waiting room is enabled by default. These two features do not apply to students; only outside participants. Students enrolled in the course are able to access the meeting via Blackboard Learn Ultra without entering the meeting passcode or being pushed into the waiting room.
  2. Once you've selected the settings you want for the meeting select Save.


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