Go to myDrake and log in using your Drake email address and password. For more information, see Signing in to Microsoft-connected systems (How-To).
- Click on the Self Service link in the Commonly Used Apps section.
- On the Course Management card, click the Enrollment Validation link.
- Select the appropriate Term and Course. NOTE: The enrollment validation link is active on the first meeting day of the course and for the following seven (7) days.
- All registered students will have the default “Yes” radio button selected. Select “No” for any student not in attendance or who did not make prior arrangements for their absence. NOTE: Cross-listed sections require validation submission for each CRN.
- Select Submit to submit for validation. You will be asked for final confirmation before submission; select 'OK' to submit.
- You will see a mesaage acknowledging the submission of your Enrollment Validation, and receive an email confirmation.
Upon receipt of the confirmation email, non-validated students will be manually dropped from the course. Course rosters are typically updated within 1-2 business days of the validation submission. If you have questions, please contact your College/School Dean’s Office or email registrar@drake.edu.