The instructions below will show you how to create a new requisition from Finance Self Service.
1. My Finance Screen
- Click My Requisitions to begin.

2. My Requisitions Screen
- Click the blue Create Requisition button.

3. Requestor Information Screen
NOTE: Use tab to move through fields and be sure to use the Save as draft button to pause and return to your requisition later. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required.
- The Requestor field will automatically populate with your name.
- The Transaction Date field fills in today’s date.
- Enter today’s date in Invoice Date. NOTE: If you type the letter t here and hit tab, it will auto-complete.
- The Requestor Email field will import your Drake email address.
- If needed, include any special instructions related to the requisition request in the Business Purpose/Comments field to make them visible to Accounting staff.
- The Chart field will automatically populate with Chart 1.
- Enter the org code assigned to this payment in the Organization field.
- Ship to Location and Attention To information will be auto-populated.
- Click Next when complete to move to the next page and save your draft.

4. Vendor Information Screen
NOTE: Your requisition has now been assigned an ‘R’ number which can be found on the upper left corner.
- Do not check the box marked Choose vendor for me.
- Select the vendor being paid from the Vendor drop-down menu.
NOTE: If the Vendor Name or vendor’s Remit To address is not listed, you will need to create a new vendor information request form to have it added. The link can be found on the My Finance screen (see step 1). Once Accounting completes this request, the Vendor Name and/or the vendor’s Remit To address will be available for selection under the drop-down menu.
NOTE: Vendors can be searched by name or Banner ID. Searching by Banner ID is more efficient. If a vendor has multiple addresses, select the one that corresponds to the Remit To address on the invoice or the current mailing address.
- Once you have chosen your vendor, their information will appear in Vendor Information.
- The Vendor Email field is not required. If the email was entered in Banner, it will auto-populate.
- Choose your Payee Type from the available options on the drop-down list: Employee (EM), Student (ST), Vendor (VD).
- The Currency field is not required.
- Click Next when complete.

5. Add Item Screen
- Choose your payment type in Add Item(s) from the list of available menu options.
- There is only one option for the Unit of Measure field–Each.
- Always enter 1 in the Quantity field.
- Enter the TOTAL amount due in the Unit Price field.
- Enter the business purpose for your request in the Business Purpose/Comment field.
- Click Save when complete.
- The following screen will appear. NOTE: DO NOT ADD ANOTHER ITEM AT THIS POINT.
- Review the information in the yellow box. NOTE: If changes need to be made, click the yellow box, make necessary corrections, and click Save following steps 2-6 above.
- If the information is correct, click the Add Accounting button.

6. Add Accounting Screen
NOTE: This is the screen where you enter FOAPAL information for the requisition.
- Chart field automatically populates with available option.
- Enter the fund code from the Fund drop-down menu options.
- Enter the org code from the Organization drop-down menu options. NOTE: Organization field auto-populates with the org provided on the Requestor Information page, but you can change if needed.
- Enter the account code in the Account field.
- Enter the program code in the Program field. NOTE: Program field auto-populates with the set default. Change if needed.
- Enter Activity code, if applicable. This is not a required field.
- Distribution Amount and Distribution Percent auto-populate with to the information entered on the previous Add Items screen.
- If only one FOAPAL is being used, click Save and skip to the Reviewing Your Requisition section below. If you're using multiple FOAPALs continue to the next section.

7. Split Accounting – Multiple FOAPALs
NOTE: These next steps only apply when more than one FOAPAL is being used for the requisition. If you have a single FOAPAL, skip to the next section, Reviewing Your Requisition.
- Adjust the Distribution Amount or Distribution Percent to the amount being paid for the first FOAPAL.
- Click Split Accounting.
- Add your next FOAPAL.
- Repeat Steps 1-3 for each FOAPAL. NOTE: The Distribution Amount and Distribution Percent will update with the remaining amount/percent.
- Click Save after each entry.
- Once your FOAPAL information is entered, check to ensure the Balanced field shows 100% and is green. This indicates the requisition total has been 100% funded by the split FOAPAL information entered.

8. Reviewing Your Requisition
- Review the details outlined in the Requisition Summary to ensure vendor information and payment information is accurate. NOTE: If corrections are needed, click on the yellow box. This will take you to the appropriate screen for changes.
- Click on the Funding 100% box to review the FOAPAL information entered. NOTE: If corrections are needed, click on the applicable FOAPAL. This will take you to the Add Accounting page where you can make changes.
- Click View as PDF to see how your Requisition will appear to approvers and Accounting.
- When your review is complete, click Attachments.

9. Add Attachments and Submit Requisition
- Click on Attach File.
- Click on Choose File to select your .PDF file to attach.
- The Document Type defaults as Requisition and should not be changed. NOTE: If you select any other option, your attachment(s) will NOT transfer to approvals/accounting.
- Click Upload. Your attached document will now appear on the Attachments list. Repeat as needed.
- To review an attachment, click on the Document Name in the list.
- To delete a document, click on the trash can icon.
- Once you’ve attached all the documents, click on Submit Requisition. NOTE: You can also click on < Attachments to return to the first page. Submit Requisition is available in both locations.

10. Next Steps
- The submitted requisition will now appear under the Pending Requisitions section on the My Requisitions landing page.
- View the approval queue information by clicking on the information symbol next to your requisition.
- Return to the My Requisitions landing page at any time to view the status of your request.
- Draft (still in progress - not submitted)
- Pending (draft completed - waiting for approval)
- Completed (AP has accepted the request and is working on payment)
- If there is more than one requisition per category, click View More to search by Requisition Number, Date, Vendor, or Amount.