Using Respondus LockDown Browser with iPads, Chromebooks, and Live Proctoring

Respondus LockDown Browser™ can be used with more than just personal computers and in face-to-face environments.  If you would like to learn more about the enhanced capabilities, check out the following:


Respondus LockDown Browser™ with iPads

Respondus LockDown Browser™ (LDB) can be used with iPads. 

Respondus LockDown Browser™ with Chromebooks

Respondus LockDown Browser™ (LDB) can be used with Chromebooks. 

Respondus LockDown Browser™ and LiveProctoring

Respondus LockDown Browser™ (LDB) can be used in conjunction with Zoom or MSTeams to accomplish Live Proctoring. 

Need Assistance with Respondus Features?

If you have any further questions, please request a consultation by submitting a Blackboard Ultra Request or contact the ITS Support Center at 515-271-3001.

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Related Services / Offerings (3)

Report any errors or issues encountered while using Blackboard Ultra and its associated systems.
Blackboard Ultra requests for changes including user changes, consultations, custom sites, course merges, sharing/copying content, and training. (Faculty/Staff only)
Request conversion of a Word-formatted assessment into a Blackboard test. (Faculty/Staff only)

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