Online Testing for Students (Best Practices)

What is online testing?

Instructors use tests to assess students' mastery over course content and objectives. With online testing, your test will be provided to you online. As a part of your test, your instructor assigns point values to questions in a test. You submit your test online for grading and the results are recorded. You can view your grades when your instructor makes them available to you and should direct any grading questions to your instructor.

How do I access online tests?

Drake University uses Blackboard using the Ultra Course View as the learning management system. Instructors will need to inform you where the test is located within the Blackboard course navigation. In addition, some online tests may require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser. Your instructor will give you further information about using LockDown Browser if you are required to use it for testing. More information can be found at Respondus LockDown Browser for Students.

How should I prepare for online testing?

To eliminate additional issues, we suggest you make sure of the following:

  • Ensure that the device you are using to take your online exam meets the university technical requirements.
  • Fully charge your device and plug it in before starting the test. This will ensure your device will not lose power during the assessment.
  • Make sure your network is fully functional. Network connections are most likely to cause issues during online testing. Questions may be slow to display and your connection may be lost briefly, which will end your test session.
  • If applicable, accommodations must be requested through your instructor before a test is started. 
  • If you are not able to take a test during the allotted time line, work with your instructor for exceptions to be applied before the testing window begins.
  • Request an online practice test before you take an online course exam if your instructor does not offer one. This will allow you to make sure your technology is working prior to the assessment required for the class.
  • Keep your browser up to date. Check the technological requirements needed for Blackboard. Some features of Blackboard are not fully functional on all browsers. If you get an error, report it to your instructor, find an alternate route for the time being, and try another browser for future exams.
  • Clear the cache on your browser. See instructions showing how to clear your cache in the most common browsers:
  • Exit or Quit distracting activities like social media, email, or computer security software. These could interrupt your testing.
  • Click "View Assessment" or “Start Attempt” only when you are absolutely ready to complete the test. Some tests don't allow you to click away from the test once you have begun.
  • Start early enough during the test window so that you can complete the test before the availability expires. Some instructors set limits to when an online test is available, often referred to as the “test availability.”

NOTE: Copying or reproducing any exam questions in full or part via screen shots, print screen, or copy/paste mechanisms is considered a violation of academic integrity and could have repercussions.

How do I take an online test?

  1. Make sure you have enough time to complete the test once you start.
  2. Click only once on the link for the exam, and click "View Assessment" or “Start Attempt” one time only. 

NOTE: Double-clicking on any exam links can actually launch two separate instances of the exam, which can confuse the server and lead to possible data corruption.

  1. Read all instructions carefully and be aware of test settings including:
    1. If you leave the test session, will it auto-submit on your behalf?
    2. Timed assessment: length of time allowed to take the test. 
    3. Allow multiple attempts: You may complete the test more than once during the times and dates available.
    4. And, when will you be able to review your scores and any feedback, if applicable.
  2. Allow the page to load completely before answering questions.
  3. Review:
    1. The “Details & Information” for the test.
    2. Keep an eye on the progress bar to check that answers are saved in the system.
    3. Before submitting, review the "Question Filter" for any 'Unanswered Questions.'
  4. Use ONLY the buttons provided in the online testing environment.
    NOTE: Using the Back, Forward, or Refresh buttons on the browser, or shortcut keys for these same functions on the keyboard while taking the test can cause unexpected issues.
  5. Questions save automatically as you progress.
  6. Pace yourself and keep track of time. Blackboard times out after 3 hours of inactivity and could lock you out of your current exam attempt; however, your browser settings may vary. The test availability may have date limits set by the instructor. Only instructors can extend test availability.
  7. Don't open a new browser window or navigate to any course links not directly found in the test.
  8. Submit the test by clicking the "Submit" button ONCE when the test is completed. Do not press Enter on the keyboard instead of clicking submit. If the submission was successful, the system will display a confirmation.
    1. The system will not record any score if the test is not submitted fully by the student.
    2. Clicking Save and Close does not submit the test. It saves a draft form of the test.
    3. While the submission is in progress, wait patiently for the submission receipt to appear confirming the submission was successful.
  9. If you don't receive confirmation, return to where the test was posted, and click the test link. Blackboard will display a status message.

What should I do after I finish my online test?

  1. Check your grade and submission status. 
    1. If a score is posted in the Gradebook the submission was successful.
    2. If the status column indicates "Submitted," you completed the expected requirements for submission at this time.
      1. If you do not see a status of "Submitted" after submitting a test, contact the instructor as this indicates an attempt in progress and your submission is not complete.
      2. If you see "Draft saved", your submission is not complete and you still have further steps to take to complete the submission.
    3. If the Grade column has "not graded", the instructor still needs to address your submission before it will be included in your grade calculations.
    4. Make note or a screen shot of any error messages, time, and activity that might have prevented a successful submission and contact the instructor.
    5. If you do not see scores or feedback for your test, return to the “Details & Information” area by clicking on the title of your test from the main Content area of the course. This will provide you with any details about when scores and feedback will be released.

If you run into errors while taking an online exam, please reach out to your instructor first. If your instructor is not able to fix the issue in Blackboard, either the instructor will reach out for further assistance or they may ask that you reach out for Blackboard assistance. Please submit a Blackboard Ultra Issue.

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This article is intended for students to help them answer their frequently asked questions regarding Blackboard at Drake University.
Respondus LockDown Browser™ can be used with more than just personal computers and in face-to-face environments.

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