Blackboard Ultra

Guides to help you use Blackboard Ultra, Drake's Learning Management System (LMS).

Categories (13)

Blackboard Ultra for Students

Resources to help students use Blackboard Ultra and associated tools effectively.

Starting to Teach with Blackboard Ultra

Instructor resources to prepare Blackboard Ultra course sites and use best practices.

Supporting Instructors Using Blackboard

Resources for faculty and staff who support instructors using Blackboard for their courses.

Teaching & Learning

Includes guides to help you access online training, Qualtrics, and other useful technology tools for teaching and learning.

End of Semester

How to wrap up the semester, back up data, submit grades, and stay organized.

Online Assessment

Instructor resources for assessing student learning in Blackboard Learn Ultra.

Course Lists

Resources to help organize course lists in Blackboard Learn Ultra.


Articles to help ensure that teaching and learning resources are accessible to all individuals.


Instructions on using Zoom for academic purposes using our campus licensing.

Panopto Video

Guides on how to use Panopto, a video recording and distribution platform.

Distance/Remote Resources

Resources to help faculty provide synchronous and/or asynchronous distance learning activities.

Drake Online & Continuing Education

Step by step instructional technology guides.

Blackboard Storage Limits

Articles relating to course size, file upload limits, content retention.

Articles (10)

Pinned Article Preparing for Distance Teaching and Advising (Best Practices)

Best Practices for distance teaching and advising whether an emergency situation or a planned online environment.

About Blackboard Ultra (FAQ)

All the basic information functionality and business rules about Blackboard Ultra at Drake University.

Blackboard Learn Ultra Roles

Defining the different roles available in the learning management system.

PollEverywhere Audience Response System (Clickers) for Instructors (FAQ)

PollEverywhere is an audience response system that allows instructors or leaders to request participant feedback during interactions by using mobile devices and web browsers computers.