Link Zoom to a Blackboard Learn Ultra course for students to be able to join meetings from within your course.
Please note if you have not logged into zoom with your Drake credentials already, please go to to this url and sign in with your Drake credentials. This will create your account. This only needs to happen once. After your account has been created, you may follow the steps outlined below.
Adding Zoom via the Details & Actions
1. Open the course where you would like to add Zoom.
- From the Details and Actions section of your course click on the View course & institution tools.
2. Adding from the View course & institution tools option.
- A pannel will slide out on the right hand side of the browser window, scroll down until you see the Zoom Meeting option and click on the plus symbol.
Adding from the Course Content area
1. Adding from the Content Market option.
- You can also add content anywhere in your course. Hover over any horizontal line in your course content, a plus sign will appear, click this.
- Select the Content Market from the drop down menu
2. Adding from the Content Market option.
- A layer will slide out presenting you with an option to all available tools. Scroll down until you see the Zoom Meeting option. Click the plus sign in the lower right corner.

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