Create Video Content | Faculty

This article explains options for creating video content. You can 'create content' with Panopto or other recording software of your choice (e.g., built-in recorder on your computer/mobile device, Zoom, etc.). Review the following scenarios to determine what works best for your situation.

Important: If students will be creating recorded content to share online with you or other students, be sure to create an Assignments folder.

Use Panopto Capture

To use Panopto Capture to create content, follow these steps:

  1. Access Panopto.
  2. Refer to the How to Create a Video Using Panopto Capture for specific settings (e.g., sharing PowerPoint or microphone).
  3. Click the green Create button and select Panopto Capture (Record in Browser). You may need to grant access to your video/audio capture devices when using Panopto Capture.
  4. Click the red circle to start your recording. The program will give you a countdown when to start.
  5. Click the red square to stop recording. 
  6. You will see various messages as the recording is processed. Do not close the Panopto browser tab/window.
  7. After processing, re-title your video by replacing the time/date stamp to the right of the video with a meaningful title (e.g., module number and lecture title). 
  8. Proceed to: Share your Content.

Watch an example: This recording demos how to record a Panopto video through your browser. This video also shows how to locate the hyperlink for your video (i.e., Share your Content).


Use other recording applications

To use other recording apps, follow these steps:
  1. Record your video using a recording app of your choice.
    1. Follow the software manufacturer's instructions or other help documentation to create your content.
    2. Important: Due to the numerous video options available, Drake ITS cannot support all possible solutions. We recommend using an application that is familiar and comfortable to you.
  2. Determine what end product your recording app generated — a hyperlink or a file (MP4 or MOV).
    1. If the recording results in a hyperlink and that is what you want to share with students or others, then this is your final step. (i.e., Share your Content).
    2. If the recording generates an MP4 or MOV, Access Panopto where you will upload your MP4 or MOV. Do NOT upload any MP4s or MOVs directly to Blackboard.
  3. After Panopto loads, click the green Create button and select Upload Media. 
  4. Drag and drop the video file(s) or click inside of the box to select the file(s) from your computer. Wait for Uploading to finish, which may take a while based on the size and number of files.
  5. After processing, re-title your video by replacing the time/date stamp to the right of the video with a meaningful title (e.g., module number and lecture title). [OR] Hover over the title of your uploaded file to bring up icons allowing you to change the Settings, Share, or Delete your video. Select Settings to change the video title. 
  6. Proceed to Share your Content.


Virtual Group Presentations

To record a virtual group presentation or guest speaker, Panopto is not a recording option. Instead, use a videoconferencing tool (i.e., Class Collaborate or Zoom) of your choice, and then upload the recording to Panopto to share it. 

  1. Record your video. Here are some resources to help you get started:
    1. Getting Started with Collaborate Ultra Web Conferencing (How-to)
    2. About Zoom (FAQs)
  2. Determine what your recording app generated — a hyperlink or a file (MP4 or MOV).
    1. If the recording results in a hyperlink and that is what you want to share with students or others, then this is your final step. (i.e., Share your Content).
    2. If the recording generates an MP4 or MOV, Access Panopto where you will upload your MP4 or MOV. Do NOT upload any MP4s or MOVs directly to Blackboard.
  3. After Panopto loads, click the green Create button and select Upload Media. 
  4. Drag and drop the video file(s) or click inside of the box to select the file(s) from your computer. Wait for Uploading to finish, which may take a while based on the size and number of files.
  5. After processing, re-title your video by replacing the time/date stamp to the right of the video with a meaningful title (e.g., module nubmer and recording title). [OR] Hover over the title of your uploaded file to bring up icons allowing you to change the Settings, Share, or Delete your video. Select Settings to change the video title. 
  6. Proceed to Share your Content.

If your next step is sharing content that has already been created and uploaded into Panopto, please visit Sharing Panopto Content for more information.

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