Exporting Data from Banner 9 Admin Pages (How-to)

Some pages allow you to export the data to a .CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, which can be opened with Excel. The exported file will contain headers by default. If you would like to override that option, please un check the box Include Header Row in Data Extract on GUAUPRF.

Follow the below steps to export a file from Banner 9. The below steps assume that you are already logged into Application Navigator.

Navigate To Page

  1. Enter the page name in the search bar (in this example, STVTERM).
  2. Click on the appropriate search result.


Direct Search

Export Data

Press SHIFT+F12 on your keyboard or follow the steps below.

  1. Click Tools.
  2. Click Export.

Export Data

  1. Click OK to open the Excel file.

Save Data

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Article ID: 53594
Wed 5/9/18 3:26 PM
Fri 8/9/24 2:09 PM