Step by step instructional technology guides.

Categories (2)

Blackboard Ultra

Resources to use Blackboard Ultra.

Resources for Videos

Resources to help with student/faculty recordings. Panopto, Zoom, and other recording/web communication software fall under this umbrella.

Articles (5)

Accessibility Statements

An accessibility statement explains how a website is designed to be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. This article includes links to accessibility statements for various technologies used within Drake courses in our learning mangement system, Blackboard Ultra.

Privacy Statements

This article links to Privacy Statements for various companies.

Sharing Audio and Video Files | Students

This article explains how to share audio and video files when signed in to your course in Blackboard Ultra from your computer or mobile device.

Sharing Files in Blackboard Ultra | Students

This article explains how to use the editor to attach or insert files when signed in to your course in Blackboard Ultra from your computer or mobile device.

Using Zoom | Faculty

This article is a curated list of resources provided by Zoom, as well as other Knowledge Base articles published by Drake about Zoom.