ProcessMaker Terminology (FAQ)

Frequently Used Terms for ProcessMaker


A case is an instance when a user initiates a process, which may consist of one or more requests. In simple processes, a case will include just one request, but in processes with additional components like sub-processes, a single case may encompass multiple requests.


A collection is a set of data records (eg. rows in a table) which can be created.


A dashboard displays important information and key metrics about a process and its requests. Processes may have multiple dashboards to display relevant information about the process to different types of users. 


A group is a set of users who can be selected to start and/or cancel requests associated with a specific process, assigned tasks, sent notifications, or assigned additional permissions.


A request participant is a user who interacts with and participates in requests, their tasks, and/or collections within ProcessMaker.


A process is a set of steps and decisions to complete a particular goal, often as efficiently as possible. It may involve people or be completely automated through scripting and can integrate with external third-party systems and legacy applications to extend their functionality.

Process Manager

A process manager is responsible for troubleshooting request routing incidents within a process design and workflow. This role is necessary when workflow is interrupted due to inactive user accounts, unconfigured manager accounts, or when a user's account status affects task assignment. The process manager manually reassigns tasks to active users or delegated users to ensure the continuation of the workflow.

Process Model

A Process Model is a visual representation of how the process works. ProcessMaker uses this model as a blueprint to carry out instances of that process, which are called requests.


A project is a way to organize assets and collaborate with others to create and manage processes. It typically contains at least one process and all of the screens and other assets involved in the process.


A request is a single instance of a process, containing all the details of that specific instance and routing details based on the process model.


The user who initially started the request.

Saved Search

A Saved Search in the ProcessMaker Platform enables users to save and share search parameters associated with Requests, Tasks, and Collections. This feature allows users to quickly access and utilize saved searches efficiently. Furthermore, Saved Searches can be leveraged to create charts for analytics reporting and to schedule automated reports for specific processes. 


A screen is like a building block for making interactive interfaces. These interfaces can be for things like forms, displays, emails, or conversations. Screens come in different types, like Form-type, Display-type, Email-type, and Conversational-type. Each type does a specific job in a process and needs certain permissions to be created and viewed.

Self Service

Refers to a task that is NOT assigned to a user but is placed into a queue for a specified group of users. Like a shared to-do list, any available user in the group can claim and complete a task as it comes in.


A task represents an activity or work a request participant must do in ProcessMaker. This activity can be providing information, reviewing, approving, deciding, or other actions taken via the platform. Tasks can also occur offline in the world, such as moving inventory containers or making a phone call.

Web Entry

Web Entry allows users to start requests or complete tasks through a URL link that can be emailed or published on a website. If authentication is required, users will be redirected to log in to ProcessMaker with their Drake credentials after clicking on the link. 


A workflow is like a carefully designed series of steps and decisions to achieve a specific goal. It can be done by people or completely automated and might connect with other systems. A workflow is shown as a process model, a visual guide to how the process works. ProcessMaker uses this model as a blueprint to carry out instances of that process, which are called requests.

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Fri 1/19/24 12:33 PM
Fri 7/19/24 1:04 PM