Search15 Results

Services or Offerings?
Report any issues with the Drake Business Intelligence portal (Drake BI) including Drake BI reporting. (Faculty/Staff only)

Request access or report changes for the Business Intelligence (Drake BI) portal. (Faculty/Staff only)

Request or make a change to a Microsoft Team or other shared file storage. (Faculty/staff only)

Report an issue you're experiencing with myDrake, Self Service, or an Internal Site.

Report any access issues with virtual apps or desktops.

Request conversion of a Word-formatted assessment into a Blackboard Learn test. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report an issue with Single Sign-On (SSO).

Report any problems using Drake-supported storage systems (Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, etc.)

Schedule a consultation to discuss Qualtrics use.

Request a telephone number or cell phone for an employee. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report an issue with Drake-supported devices or software, including virus mitigation.

Use this service to report any problems with wired, wireless, or remote access to the campus network.

Report issues encountered on systems that interface with Banner. (Faculty/Staff Only)

Use this service to request an Internal Site or a link change to myDrake. (Faculty/Staff only)

Blackboard Learn Ultra requests for changes including user changes, consultations, custom sites, course merges, sharing/copying content, and training. (Faculty/Staff only)