Popular Services

Notify ITS of international travel or make other account- or security-related requests.

Campus key request for any Drake student, faculty or staff member

Report an issue with Drake-supported devices or software, including virus mitigation.

Use this service to request any needed changes in Banner, Workflow, or ePrint including duplicate person merges, job scheduling, and upgrade requests. (Faculty/Staff only)

Engage assistance to quote, purchase, install, move, reassign, or decommission ITS devices. (Faculty/Staff only)

Request a software download, installation, price quote, or purchase.

Request adjustments to cardholder access or building schedule changes (Faculty/Staff only)

Report any issues you're having with Banner, Workflow, eTranscripts, or ePrint. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report an issue you're experiencing with myDrake, Self Service, or an Internal Site.

Use this service to report problems with existing Drake email accounts, email distribution lists, or calendars.

Blackboard Ultra requests for changes including user changes, consultations, custom sites, course merges, sharing/copying content, and training. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report an issue with account login, MFA, the Password Manager website, or other account/security-related issues.

Submit a request for system access or alumni-related data. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report any errors or issues encountered while using Blackboard Ultra and its associated systems.

The Drake ID system controls meal plan swipes, door access, Bulldog Bucks, Flex Dollars and printing money for Drake students and employees. Report issues with these systems here.

Report any access issues with virtual apps or desktops.

Use this service to report an issue with ProcessMaker.

Report any problems using Drake-supported storage systems (Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, etc.)

Request access or get technical assistance with Banner WebXtender. (Faculty/Staff only)

Report any errors or issues encountered while using Panopto.

Conveniently print your documents at a print shop on Drake's campus.

Request changes to personal or shared email accounts, email addresses, calendars, or distribution lists.

Report difficulties with printing from your computer.

Request adjustments to card access lists (Designated list approvers only)

Report issues you're experiencing with Raiser's Edge. (Faculty/Staff only)